An Overview Of The Indian Microbrewery Industry
In India, craft beer sales have increased rapidly in recent years due to a change in consumer tastes. Beer drinkers now want more than just the standard, mass-produced beers available. They want something new and different, with fresh flavors and unique ingredients. The alcohol market in India is booming, with craft beer sales increasing rapidly every year. Despite the hurdles set by state governments, craft beer sales continue to grow at a 20-30% clip annually. This is striking because it shows that the demand for craft beer is only increasing, even in the face of obstacles.. Cities like Mumbai, Bangalore, and Pune enjoy relatively few restrictions, while states like Gujarat, Manipur, and Nagaland have more prohibitive regulations that stunt growth of the craft beer scene. In the last few years, there has been a change in how Indians think about beer. It is now seen as a social drink, suitable for people of all ages and backgrounds. Low in alcohol content, it is gradually becomi...